Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Maybe this will help you win some future Trivial Pursuit/Jeopardy game

Some Oxford trivia:

What, pray tell, does it mean when your professor writes NB in front of a phrase?  Hint--the Latin is Nota Bene.

Who is the only female who is gracing the walls of the Christ Church dining hall with her presence?

What does it mean when your librarian says that the books are sometimes shelved a bit wonky?

Why do we have the double solid yellow lines in the center of the road with white lines on the edges of roads in the US, and the very opposite in England--double solid yellow lines on each edge of the road & dotted white line in the center?

How does one go about studying seriously in Oxford--nose to book without looking up for at least four hours, that is--when the archways overhead keep making one smile & walking up and down the spiral ladders and rolling ladders for fun keep distracting one from anything other than taking it all in?

I use a fob, a hob, and a pair of Wellies every single day here, why and for what?

What novel am I reading right now?  Hint--Hardy's last.

With regards,
Your happy friend,
Who has come home to read
so that she'll stop playing with the ladders &
fawning over the titles she wishes she could read,


  1. Not surprisingly I have JK Rowling to thank for understanding most of that (well except the NB).

    BTW - I love the word wonky. It's a wonky world we live in.

  2. I love you Sabine! :) Cheerio! - love, Joni
